
Da Conti e principi di Porcia e Brugnera.
Has type
Is subproperty ofDcterms:date
Imported from Date (A vocabulary for biographical information)
See also import page MediaWiki:Smw_import_Bio
This page lists all occurrences of Proprietà:Bio:Date in Conti e principi di Porcia e Brugnera.
The date at which an event occurred.

The date should be formatted as specified in ISO8601. For example: 2003-03-15 corresponds to the 15th March 2003, and 2003-03-15T13:21-05:00 corresponds to 15th March 2003, 8:21 am, US Eastern Standard Time.

Having this property implies being a Event.
Editor tools … Settings/Tools
A concept page is supposed to be in the article name space holding more detailed definitions, notes, relations etc. than the basic settings here on the property page.

The SMW-import-page (MediaWiki:Smw import Bio) defines a name space prefix “Bio” and the following pages (=concepts or concept collections “Folder-silk.png”):
Adoption Pencil.png │ Annulment Pencil.png │ Assassination Pencil.png │ Baptism Pencil.png │ BarMitzvah Pencil.png │ BasMitzvah Pencil.png │ Birth Pencil.png │ Burial Pencil.png │ Coronation Pencil.png │ Cremation Pencil.png │ Date Pencil.png │ Death Pencil.png │ Divorce Pencil.png │ Emigration Pencil.png │ Event Pencil.png │ Execution Pencil.png │ Funeral Pencil.png │ Graduation Pencil.png │ Imprisonment Pencil.png │ Inauguration Pencil.png │ Investiture Pencil.png │ Marriage Pencil.png │ Murder Pencil.png │ Biography Pencil.png │ Change of Name Type:Stringa on import page MediaWiki:Smw_import_Bio does not match Has type:Testo on page Proprietà:Bio:Change of Name!Pencil.png │ Formation Pencil.png │ Ordination Pencil.png │ Father Pencil.png │ Mother Pencil.png │ Organization Pencil.png │ Parent Pencil.png │ Place Pencil.png │ State Pencil.png