
Da Conti e principi di Porcia e Brugnera.
Has type
Imported fromHttp:// modified (DCMI Metadata Terms)
See also import page MediaWiki:Smw_import_Dcterms
This page lists all occurrences of Proprietà:Dcterms:modified in Conti e principi di Porcia e Brugnera.
Label: Date Modified

Definition: Date on which the resource was changed.

Has Range:
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A concept page is supposed to be in the article name space holding more detailed definitions, notes, relations etc. than the basic settings here on the property page.

The SMW-import-page (MediaWiki:Smw import Dcterms) defines a name space prefix “Dcterms” and the following pages (=concepts or concept collections “Folder-silk.png”):
abstract Pencil.png │ alternative Pencil.png │ bibliographicCitation Pencil.png │ contributor Pencil.png │ created Pencil.png │ creator Pencil.png │ date Pencil.png │ description Pencil.png │ format Pencil.png │ identifier Pencil.png │ isPartOf Pencil.png │ isReferencedBy Pencil.png │ issued Pencil.png │ language Pencil.png │ license Pencil.png │ modified Pencil.png │ provenance Pencil.png │ publisher Pencil.png │ references Pencil.png │ rights Pencil.png │ source Pencil.png │ subject Pencil.png │ title Pencil.png │ type Pencil.png │ Folder-silk.png BibliographicResource Pencil.png │ Folder-silk.png LicenseDocument Pencil.png │ Folder-silk.png Location Pencil.png │ Folder-silk.png PeriodOfTime Pencil.png │ hasVersion Pencil.png │ isReplacedBy Pencil.png │ relation Pencil.png │ replaces Pencil.png │ rightsHolder Pencil.png │ tableOfContents Pencil.png │ Folder-silk.png Frequency Pencil.png │ Folder-silk.png MediaType Pencil.png

It can have date ranges "2007-11-13/15" as the interval between 13 Nov 2007 and 15 Nov 2007, therefore [[Has type::Date]] can not handle this. The original definition recommends

Pagine che usano la proprietà "Dcterms:modified"

Visualizzazione di 3 pagine che usano questa proprietà.


Dublin Core +14 giugno 2012  +


Vocabulary Status Vocabulary +14 giugno 2012  +
Vocabulary for annotating vocabulary descriptions +14 giugno 2012  +